Positive words in the Yellowstone chaos: Kevin Costner explains why he fell in love with the series

Positive words in the Yellowstone chaos Kevin Costner explains why

In the drama surrounding Kevin Costner’s temporary exit from Yellowstone, it is still not clear whether the star will appear again as John Dutton in the series finale. The actor is currently more busy as the lead actor and director with his western epic Horizon, which is supposed to consist of several films.

Now, according to Cinema Blend, Costner was a guest on the Armchair Expert podcast and spoke with actor Dax Shepard about his Yellowstone past. Here he also revealed what was important to him the fascination of the hit series makes up.

Kevin Costner believed in Yellowstone world from the beginning

In the podcast conversation, Costner explains that he was immediately drawn to the soap opera world of the Taylor Sheridan series, even though the characters are bad, condemnable people is:

I just believed in the world. I knew it was a soap opera. I knew we were all supposed to be in jail. We all killed people there, so you throw logic out the window a little.For the actor, it is the tried and tested soap opera effect that makes Yellowstone so popular and successful.

In the podcast interview, Costner also praises the writing talent of showrunner Taylor Sheridan, who great feeling for the right dialogues and especially the roles of him and Kelly Reilly were particularly well written.

Watch a German trailer for the 5th season of Yellowstone here:

Yellowstone – S05 Trailer (German) HD

When and how will things continue with Yellowstone?

In the US, the final episodes of the fifth season of Yellowstone will air in November 2024 start. There is currently no information about the German release of the last six episodes. In this country, you can currently stream the first three Yellowstone seasons with a Netflix subscription. Seasons 1 to 5 and the two series spin-offs 1883 and 1923 are available on Paramount+ *.

Podcast: 8 brilliant westerns that are worth watching, and not just for Yellowstone fans

Whether thanks to series hits like Yellowstone and 1883 or Tarantino masterpieces like Django Unchained: the Western genre is experiencing a popularity like never before. For all fans, we have selected the best Westerns that you can stream right now.

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The 8 Western highlights presented on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and MUBI include both absolute classics and lesser-known insider tips. There is something for every genre fan: Our recommendations cover a full 55 years of Western history between 1964 and 2019.

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