Portugal votes yes to euthanasia

The long-standing debate over allowing euthanasia has divided the deeply Catholic country and the proposal has faced strong opposition from conservative President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, among others.

Portuguese only

According to the provisions voted through on Friday, people over 18 will have the right to request euthanasia if they are terminally ill and suffering from severe pain, and are judged to be in a position to make such a decision. The law will only apply to Portuguese citizens and legal residents of the country.

In the past three years, legislation on euthanasia has been approved by parliament four times, but each time the proposal has been sent back for revision after President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa vetoed it. Now he has a week to approve the new law, which may come into force this autumn.

Few countries allow it

However, many who are critical of euthanasia regret that the issue has not been put to a referendum and hope that it will once again be dealt with by the Constitutional Court.

Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are only allowed in a handful of countries, including Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
