Portugal beat Turkey, the end of the match became a farce | Sports in a nutshell

Portugal beat Turkey the end of the match became a

The security measures failed and several fans were able to rush at Cristiano Ronaldo.

22.6. 22:13•Updated 22.6. 23:58

European Football Championships on channels 14.6.–14.7. Go to the competition website from this link.

Portugal took a 3-0 victory over Turkey and secured their place in the European football championships. Portugal’s goals did Bernardo Silva and Bruno Fernandesfor which was in the run-through Cristiano Ronaldo fed unselfishly.

Portugal also received one goal as a gift from Turkey when Samet Akaydin kicked the ball into his own goal.

The end of the match took on farcical features when the stadium’s security failed in a dangerous way. Several fans rushed to take a photo with Cristiano Ronaldo.

With the first, younger fan, Ronaldo stopped to take a picture, but after that he became frustrated with the supporters.

The European football championships are followed moment by moment in this article.
