populist Nigel Farage presents his program

populist Nigel Farage presents his program

In the United Kingdom, the legislative campaign continues. The British elect their deputies on July 4. On the far right of the political spectrum, Nigel Farage, one of the defenders of Brexit, entered the race late and presented the program of his populist Reform UK party on June 17.

2 mins

It’s not an electoral program, it’s a contract with the people, promises Nigel Farage who already sees himself leading the opposition, reports our correspondent in London, Emeline Vin. The founder of the party Brexitnow Reform UK, sees this election as a springboard to advance its ideas, dominated by immigration.

” VShis election should revolve around immigration. The population explosion and its impact on people’s lives is in my opinion the main theme », assures Nigel Farage. “ We want a real debate on this. We think we need to freeze the net migration rate for several years to catch up. The first duty of the British state is to its own people. »

Seven times a candidate, never elected as an MP, Nigel Farage defends the departure of the European Court of Human Rights, and above all massive tax cuts. Asked about the feasibility of his project, he replied: “ It’s innovative! It’s original ! That’s not what you’ll get with Labor or the Conservatives, who frankly are becoming indistinguishable. »

Breakthrough in the polls

With just over two weeks to go before the election, in which the Labor Party is clearly the winner, Reform UK is experiencing a breakthrough in the polls, approaching – or even surpassing according to one of them – the Conservative Party in power.

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I really believe that our campaign now has some momentum in the country “, particularly among young people, said Nigel Farage, candidate in a constituency in the south-east of England. “ Our ambition is to establish a beachhead in Parliament and become the real opposition to a Labor government “, he insisted, seeing in this election a “ important first step » with a view to the following legislative elections in 2029.
