In Call of Duty: Warzone 2, players can not only earn a lot of dollars with a slight glitch in DMZ mode, but also level up their weapon on the side. The developers noticed that and nerfed the trick, but fans are finding other ways to level up.
What was that glitch? In Call of Duty Warzone 2, many players are looking for the best ways to level up their weapons. Not only conventional tricks like throwing decoy grenades are used, but also the use of glitches.
One particular exploit was considered particularly effective. With this you could not only generate millions of dollars with a large backpack and a weapon, but also earn a lot of XP for your weapon in the purchase station.
When the developers got wind of it, the glitch was weakened so much in a few days that it was no longer profitable, but players didn’t let it get them down. They already have other ways to upgrade weapons.
Fans don’t give up
New trick should be better than the old one: The reddit user C4RS200 has written on reddit about the Warzone 2 update policy. He was mainly concerned with patching the glitch quickly. According to him, the trick was nerfed in less than a day, while an existing dead-mailbox trick is not only more lucrative, but still active.
reddit user C4RS200 speaks on reddit about Warzone 2’s update policy.
Note that we do not give you any instructions on such glitches and exploits here. If you have tried a glitch, there is a chance that you will be banned or penalized.
Players are complaining about worse issues: However, the reddit post not only reports on the developers’ sudden intervention, but also on their update policy. According to C4RS200, game bugs like this, which fans can only benefit from, are eliminated in no time at all, while serious game errors and bugs are allowed to continue to proliferate for weeks.
Not only the creator of the thread is surprised, but also other users. Nintendo_Pro_03 says he doesn’t understand the developers’ approach since Warzone 1.
Reddit user AManForThePeople even goes a step further and says that the developers want to bind players to their game for hours. With such tricks, the grind is reduced and thus the compulsion to stay in Warzone 2 to level up your weapons.
Despite this, fans are always finding more exploits to reduce their grind and play the game the way they want. It remains to be seen when the developers will tackle more serious problems like broken spawn locations or bugs with weapon blueprints.
Do you think it’s a pity that the glitch was nerfed and did you exploit it yourself? Let’s find out in the comments!
There are not only glitches in Warzone 2, but also cheaters and they are really unscrupulous: