Popular sushi chain goes bankrupt

Popular sushi chain goes bankrupt

Sushirullen has several restaurants around Sweden. On Wednesday, however, the chain began a bankruptcy.

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The sushi chain has been around since 2012 and has since established restaurants in, among other places, Oxelösund, Östersund and Sergels torg in Stockholm.

In addition to Sweden, the chain has also opened restaurants in Finland.

The sushi roll has primarily focused on catering and the grocery store, where the brand has appeared in several Ica stores.

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The sushi roll goes bankrupt after several setbacks

Already in 2018, things looked dark for the company.

According to figures from all companies The sushi roll went backwards and landed on – SEK 3,468,000 in profit. 2019 looked a little better, even then the company went backwards. The result after finance net was then – SEK 547,000.

In 2020, the company saw a brief upswing where the result turned out to be positive numbers. At that time Sushirullen had a result of SEK 970,000.

Unfortunately, it would not be long before the company saw negative numbers again.

In 2022, the resulting result was reported at -1,186,000 kroner, which seems to have become the nail in the coffin for Sushirullen. On May 8, 2024, they filed for bankruptcy.

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