Popular sticks still sold out

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Several of the large retail chains that TT has spoken to state that there is a continuing shortage of salty sticks.

As early as July, the first reports came that several Swedish stores had run out of the classic snack. And the situation is no better now. Coop and ICA state that the goods are still missing and that they do not have a forecast for when they can return. Their suppliers simply cannot supply the crispy sticks.

— It is true that the shelves for salty sticks are empty. The latest report we have received is that the planned delivery is in January 2023, says Cecilia Gannedahl, communications director at Orkla Sweden, which, among other things, owns OLW.

According to those with whom TT has been in contact, there is no simple answer as to why exactly salty sticks could not be manufactured to the same extent as usual. The messages from the suppliers are quite diffuse. Reasons mentioned are the pandemic and lack of raw materials and packaging as a result of the war in Ukraine.

Salty sticks sold in Sweden are almost exclusively manufactured in other countries, including Austria and Germany.
