Popular primary, the big bluff

Hidalgo and Montebourg call for the union of the left

In two weeks the winner of the popular Primary will be revealed. An electronic vote that could bring together several hundred thousand participants. Objective, to designate among a dozen political personalities, the one most able to represent the left in the presidential election. The organizers hoped to make it the tool of a single candidacy for the Élysée, but this will not be the case, because most of the heavyweights registered refused the terms of the consultation with the exception of Christiane Taubira. But that does not mean that the various parties will be absent subscribers.

It’s a great game of liar poker that is launched. Officially, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has said it over and over again, he wants to be left alone with the left-wing unity stories he doesn’t believe in. Yannick Jadot reminds us almost every day that he has already voted to be the environmental candidate. And her refusal prompted Anne Hidalgo to also give up, after having spent a month pleading the cause of the primary.

These candidates, registered in the popular primary because they were sponsored by supporters, therefore say “thank you but no thank you”. Except that the organizers will keep them in the possible choices to avoid in particular a disinterest of the participants who would no longer have the choice only between Christiane Taubira and second-rate candidates like the MEP Pierre Larrouturou.

Game-changing retention of applications

In the Jadot, Mélenchon and especially Hidalgo camps, no one wants to see their candidate achieve a ridiculous score, even if officially, the results will not be taken into account.

And this is where the bluff begins. Rebellious, Ecologists and Socialists can of course not give voting instructions, it would be to recognize the legitimacy of the popular primary. But that does not mean that activists will not commit to their champion. Among those registered to vote, thousands come from non-participating political parties.

This is particularly the case with the Socialist Party, because Anne Hidalgo risks being even more weakened if she scores very badly and at the same time Christiane Taubira, who is challenging her for the Social Democratic vote, is acclaimed. . Some PS executives therefore admit to hoping for a mobilization of socialist voters.

The confident Taubira camp

For their part, environmentalists believe they are not in direct competition with Christiane Taubira. And the Insoumis rely on the popularity of Jean-Luc Mélenchon on the left to hope that he is in a good place. But that doesn’t mean their supporters will ignore the vote. In the ranks of the Popular Primary, some believe that nothing is settled for Christiane Taubira and that the results could be tighter than expected. On the side of the team of the former Minister of Justice, we are however confident and we do not believe in a infiltration of the vote by the Jadot, Hidalgo and Mélenchon camps. Answer on January 30, date of the result of this popular primary.

Voters must indeed rank their favorite candidates and it is the one who will obtain the most points who will be declared the winner. This preferential vote is one of the reasons why Anne Hidalgo finally preferred to give up, because it would have been difficult for her to compete with the popularity of Christiane Taubira, all left tendencies combined.

