The Royal Canadian Legion’s annual Poppy Campaign will begin Oct. 27.
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Poppy lapel pin donation boxes will be placed in businesses and other locations in and around western Elgin County, a news release from the West Elgin Branch 221 said.
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“Please consider dropping a monetary donation in these boxes and take a poppy lapel pin and wear it proudly,” the release said. “All proceeds of the Poppy Campaign go directly in trust to be used for local veterans and their families in need.”
The legion’s campaign includes Remembrance Day services where wreaths are placed by local service clubs, businesses and individuals in remembrance of fallen military service people.
The West Elgin branch will have three services: Nov. 5 at 1 pm in the front area of the Rodney library branch; Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. at the Dutton Community Center; and Nov. 11 at 11 am at the cenotaph in West Lorne.
The cost of a wreath is a $50 donation and those interested may place their wreath at any of these services. Donation checks may be made out to West Elgin Legion Br. 221 Poppy Fund.
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