Pope praises Turkey for ‘mediation’: President Erdogan must continue his efforts to achieve peace

Pope praises Turkey for mediation President Erdogan must continue his

Turkey’s Ambassador to the Vatican, Lütfullah Göktaş, stated that Turkey’s mediation efforts between Russia and Ukraine were also appreciated by the Vatican.

Göktaş said on Twitter that he met with Pope Francis, who received the ambassadors in the Vatican on the occasion of the New Year.

Pope Francis told him during the handshake, “President (Recep Tayyip) Erdogan should continue his efforts to achieve peace.” “Turkey’s mediation efforts between Russia and Ukraine are also appreciated by the Vatican.” made statements.


Pope Francis, speaking at his annual traditional meeting with the ambassadors in the Vatican, drew attention to the wars and divisions in the world and wished for “peace”.

Pope Francis emphasized that diplomacy is important for solving problems, creating an environment of cooperation and meeting common needs.

Noting that the war in Ukraine caused not only death and destruction, but also deaths from hunger and cold, Pope Francis said, “This meaningless conflict, whose effects are felt in all regions outside Europe, especially Africa and the Middle East, due to its reflections in the fields of energy and food production. I feel compelled to repeat my call for it to end as soon as possible.” said.


Pope Francis urged Israeli and Palestinian authorities to engage in dialogue for a two-state solution.

Pope Pope Francis stated that the Vatican is also following the conflict between Palestine and Israel with concern, “Jerusalem, a holy city for Jews, Christians and Muslims, is particularly affected by this. The name Jerusalem reminds us of its mission to be a city of peace, but unfortunately it has been a scene of conflict.” he said.

Expressing his belief that Jerusalem can become a symbol of peaceful coexistence again, Pope Pope Francis said, “The courage and courage of the State of Israel and State of Palestine officials to engage in direct dialogue with a view to the realization of the two-state solution in all its aspects in line with international law and United Nations (UN) resolutions. I hope they can regain their resolve.” said. (AA)
