Pop. Sondrio, Glass Lewis also recommends voting on the Assogestioni list

Popolare di Sondrio Standard Ethics improves sustainability rating

(Finance) – After the indication of ISS the last few days, even the proxy advisor Glass Lewis advised shareholders of Banca Popolare di Sondrio to vote for the Assogestioni list at the shareholders’ meeting of 30 April. That of Assogestioni (which includes 6.36% of the capital) is the first list presented by the funds in the 150-year history of the Valtellinese bank. According to Glass Lewis, it is more shareholder-oriented as it is made up exclusively of candidates independent unlike that of the outgoing board of directors.

The proxy advisor said he was in favor of the dividend policy and the 2021 remuneration, but he expressed himself in such a way contrary to the variable remuneration policy 2022, as the company would not disclose the maximum bonus ceiling that directors can receive.
