Poor diet: fatigue, diarrhea, what symptoms?

Poor diet fatigue diarrhea what symptoms

A bad diet results from a bad food distribution: excess of industrial products, transformed or on the contrary, a food restriction. This situation, if it persists, can promote nutritional deficiencies, weaken the immune system or cause serious pathologies.

A poor diet is the result of a dietary imbalancewhich may be due to excessive consumption of industrial and/or ultra-processed products or, on the contrary, to the effects ofan overly restrictive diet. This situation, if it persists, could favor dietary deficienciesweaken the immune system and even cause serious pathologies.

What is a bad diet?

An unbalanced diet is mainly based on the consumption of ultra-processed products (sweet cereals, biscuits and sweets, frozen meals, instant soups, etc.), which will not meet the daily nutritional requirements beneficial to health. “When we talk about “unhealthy diets”, we mainly think of “ready-to-eat”, ultra-processed foods and fast food. But certain restrictive diets, hypocaloric for example, can induce a poor diet, says Alexie Colson, dietitian and nutritionist. A poor diet induces nutritional deficiencies which will affect physical, mental and emotional health and then favor certain chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes Of course, the impact of a poor diet varies from person to person.“, notes Alexie Colson.

What are the warning symptoms of a poor diet?

Different symptoms will appear over time:

  • hair loss,
  • soft and/or brittle nails,
  • premature aging of the skin,
  • cognitive decline;
  • chronic fatigue,
  • weight gain or loss;
  • A poor diet, over the long term, will thus weaken the immune system of the person: it is then more likely to fall ill and less receptive to treatment. Healing is therefore often much longer and more difficult.

What are the consequences of a poor diet?

The persistence of poor nutrition and the installation of symptoms can have more significant consequences on general health.

Digestive disorders may appear (constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain) and may sometimes be a sign of chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome.

► Others chronic pathologies can, in the context of a poor diet over the long term, manifest itself as diabetes, obesity or even certain cancers or cardiovascular diseases.

“A poor diet can also have an impact on a person’s emotional state: it promotes stress, anxiety, depression… For half a century, we have observed a clear evolution of food-related pathologies, the reverse of our consumer society…”adds Alexie Colson.

Who to consult for a better diet?

In order to be accompanied and deal with bad eating habits, it is possible to consult a professional in the field of dietetics : a dietitian-nutritionist or a doctor-nutritionist. You can also seek the advice of your general practitioner. Also, be aware that there are many referenced websites that provide interesting information on the issue of food: the site Eat Move is a good example, it provides ideas for balanced recipes, activities and tips for moving. “We find there up-to-date nutritional recommendations and a lot of practical information”. All of the information is based on scientific studies and is the subject of the National Health Nutrition Program launched by Public health France. There is also in the same spirit the site first 1000 days for young parents.

What solutions to find a good diet?

The main solution to find a balanced diet is to become aware of your dietary mistakes and then want to change them.“, insists Alexie Colson. You have to analyze your daily consumption by varying the products consumed and moving towards the least processed products possible: frozen or canned natural vegetables, uncooked starches and pulses, unmarinated meat, fish and poultry. and/or breaded…”Eating a balanced diet should not be synonymous with loss of taste pleasurequite the contrary, and it must be easy to set up: the idea is not to spend two hours a day in the kitchen“. In addition to a balanced diet, hydration throughout the day has an important place in dietary balance, as well as practicing regular physical activity to balance the energy balance between caloric intake and expenditure.

Thanks to Alexie Colson, dietician and nutritionist in the hospital group Diaconesses Croix St Simon and in liberal
