Pontus Rasmusson deceives followers that he donated to the Children’s Cancer Fund

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Pontus Rasmusson, 24, broke through on YouTube with videos aimed at a younger audience where he did various pranks and challenges with his parents. However, he alternated the still child-friendly material with videos with content that sexualized children.

In several videos, among other things, incest and rape against children were mentioned. After Svenska Dagbladet’s review of Pontus Rasmusson in September, YouTube shut down his channels, where he had over 170,000 subscribers.

CHRONICLE: Here are ten times Pontus Rasmusson has been accused of alluding to sex in his videos.

Pontus Rasmusson: “I’m a flirty person”

In November, the child idol chose to break the silence in an interview with Little Current. In the feature, he was asked if he himself considers it problematic that his family-friendly content is interspersed with sexual allusions.

– Absolutely. At the same time, I am a very flirty person and if I post a picture where I smile a little and send a heart, it means nothing more than that I am flirty, replied Pontus Rasmusson then.

Pontus Rasmusson asked followers for gifts

The child idol has previously been criticized for urging his young followers to give him expensive gifts, which emerged after a live broadcast that Svenska Dagbladet took part in.

“It’s a dream I have, to get a Tiktok universe or a lion. If I were to get one of them, then I would kind of die. Those are my dream gifts. It’s of course completely voluntary to send. But I take out my mobile now and get ready in case someone sends it,” Rasmusson said in the live broadcast.

But Pontus Rasmusson believes that he did not ask any child to send gifts, but that it is actually about the fact that he “loves” to share his dreams.

The Children’s Cancer Foundation roars

Now Rasmusson is being criticized again, this after he used a logo from the Children’s Cancer Foundation on his website where he promised to donate the money left over when his followers bought his goods.

But the organization believes that they did not know about this and that Pontus Rasmusson did not in fact donate any money to them at all.

“The Children’s Cancer Foundation has never had any cooperation with Pontus Rasmusson and will not in the future either. The fact that he uses our old logo is not something we approve of or stand behind,” writes Maria Hanssonpress officer at the Children’s Cancer Fund in another email SvD.

As early as 2020, Rasmusson will pretend to be a donor to the Children’s Cancer Fund. Then he allegedly told his followers that he would donate a crown to the organization for each new subscriber. But according to the Children’s Cancer Foundation, this should not have happened either.

Followers think Pontus Rasmusson is faking contributions

On Wednesday, the child idol published a picture on his Instagram where he says he donated to the Children’s Cancer Foundation under a different name. The picture shows an amount of SEK 1,100 that he allegedly donated to the organization through Swish.

“One of many donations to a fine organization. Just because I don’t donate in my company/personal name doesn’t mean I don’t. In many cases I ask a close person such as a friend to do it with my own money because I don’t want to show money in public/media,” he writes in the post.

But several attentive followers who contacted Blogbevakning say that they suspect that Pontus edited the picture and that the amount is “fake”. Several believe that Pontus Rasmusson actually gave ten kroner and then pasted in an extra one and zero so that it would look as if a donation of kroner 1,100 went through.

At the time of writing, Pontus Rasmusson’s Instagram is deactivated.
