Pom Madendjian, alumni winner of French high schools in the world of the 13th trophies of French expatriates

Pom Madendjian alumni winner of French high schools in the

Pom Madendjian, the alumni winner of French high schools in the world of the 13ᵉ trophies of the French from abroad, was awarded for her activities in favor of the Francophonie in Southeast Asia. In this region, she managed, in just three years, to set up and to perpetuate two salons of the French -speaking book. The first in Vietnam, in Ho Chi Minh-Ville, is in its fourth edition. And the second is in Malaysia, where the second edition is held right now in Kuala Lumpur.

Read tooCeremony for the 13ᵉ Trophies of French from abroad in Paris
