Polling stations have opened, follow the first round live – L’Express

Polling stations have opened follow the first round live –

D-Day for the most closely watched legislative elections in recent history. Just three weeks after the vertigo of the dissolution, the time for the first lessons is approaching. Can the National Assembly be dominated for the first time in the Fifth Republic by the far right? Can the left spring a surprise? Can Gabriel Attal hope to stay at Matignon? In the absence of definitive answers, the first results of this highly suspenseful first round, which will be revealed this Sunday evening at 8 p.m., should provide some clarity.

Information to remember

⇒ Towards a very sharp increase in participation

⇒ The first votes in the West Indies and America

⇒ The six scenarios for the post-legislative period

Opening of polling stations

Polling stations opened this Sunday at 8 a.m. in mainland France, where some 49 million voters are being called to the polls for the first round of legislative elections in 577 constituencies.

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The French can vote until 6 p.m. or 8 p.m. in major cities, when the first results of this election, which could shake up the political landscape, will emerge.

Towards a very sharp increase in participation

This Sunday, a strong turnout, which could be the highest in 25 years, is expected: nearly two out of three voters plan to go and vote, compared to less than one in two in 2022. A surge due in part to the potentially historic consequences of these legislative elections, which for the first time since 1997 will not be aligned with the presidential election.

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These 46 hours which can change the balance between the two rounds

To understand what will happen just after the first round, you need to keep technical data and political considerations in mind. Explanations from our journalist Eric Mandonnet.

The first votes in the West Indies and America

On Saturday, it was French voters from Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, the Antilles, Guyana, French Polynesia and those living on the American continent who gradually opened the ball by going to vote.

Pollsters and politicians expect a sharp increase in turnout compared to the 2022 legislative elections, for which 47.51% of voters turned out. This time, turnout could reach or even exceed two-thirds of registered voters.

READ ALSO: Legislative elections: these 46 hours which could tip the balance between the two rounds

The six scenarios for post-legislative

Hello everyone! Welcome to this live broadcast dedicated to the first round of the early legislative elections. On this voting day, France is hanging on the hypothesis of the arrival of the extreme right in power at the end of the second round on July 7. The re-election of the 577 seats of the National Assembly will determine the political future of the country. To better understand the stakes, L’Express has imagined six scenarios. Watch our video:
