Poll: One in three Democratic supporters want Biden to drop out of the presidential race | News in brief

The survey also asked how other hypothetical presidential candidates would fare against Trump. Only Michelle Obama would beat Trump.

One in three Democratic supporters think that the president Joe Biden should withdraw from the presidential race. This is evident from a survey conducted by the news agency Reuters at Ipsos.

The survey was conducted after last Thursday’s first televised debate, where Biden performed disastrously according to many estimates. The president appeared shaky and repeatedly slurred his words.

According to the Ipsos survey, both Biden and Donald Trump’s however, the support has remained around 40 percent, which, according to Reuters, would indicate that Biden did not lose opportunities despite his poor performance.

The survey also asked how other hypothetical Democratic presidential candidates would fare against Trump. Only the wife of former President Barack Obama Michelle Obama would beat Trump. He would get 50 percent of the votes and Trump 39 percent, if they were counter-candidates.

However, Michelle Obama has repeatedly said that she is not interested in running for president. The Ipsos survey was conducted nationwide over the course of two days. It was answered by 1,070 Americans.

Source: Reuters
