Politico: Biden to announce plans for Supreme Court reform next week | News in brief

Analysis The last battle cry of a retreating statesman

Biden supports limiting the terms of office of judges, ethical rules and a constitutional amendment that limits the president’s immunity from prosecution.

President Joe Biden intends to present on Monday a proposal for a thorough reform of the US Supreme Court, according to two people familiar with the matter, a US newspaper To Politico.

Biden is likely to support term limits for judges and the introduction of an enforceable ethics code, a significant shift from a president who has long resisted calls for Supreme Court reform, according to Politico.

Biden is also expected to push for a constitutional amendment that would limit immunity from prosecution for presidents and certain other office holders. The US Supreme Court ruled on July 1 that the former president With Donald Trump is immunity from prosecution for official duties performed during his presidency.

The details of the proposal are still unclear and could change, said the sources, who spoke to Politico anonymously.

The White House declined to comment on the matter and referred to a press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to comments made Thursday that Biden “believes that if you serve in high office, you should be held transparent, accountable, and held to a high standard of ethics.”
