Political elections, Anief: the manifesto “for a just school” presented

Political elections Anief the manifesto for a just school presented

(Finance) – While the first ones are appearing posters electoral for the next political elections, the trade union Anief prepares the “Anief Manifesto #forunascuolagiusta “ and takes the field to analyze what is wrong with the schoolstarting right now to show the path that must be followed if you really want to focus on education for the restart of the country.

The president of Anief, Marcello Pacific, this morning, from his personal Facebook page, he said that “the electoral campaign will start tomorrow and within 2 weeks there will be lists for 600 parliamentarians. Anief will invite all the representatives to discuss the Manifesto that the union has prepared in order to have a really right school tomorrow ”. I am 13 i themes on which we want to focus for the resolution of problems: precarious work, staff, resources, allowances, mobility, pensions, birth rate, professionalism, training, workplaces, bargaining, school time, inclusion.

For what concern Precariat the double channel of recruitment is required to hire young people, suitable for competitions and temporary workers. For the Organic a revision of the sizing and de facto organic adjustment to the legal staff is requested to ensure didactic continuity with confirmation of the Covid staff and restoration of the 200 thousand seats cut, teachers and ATA, with the assignment of a technical assistant for comprehensive school and AS coordination posts and C and those set aside. For the Resources: GDP increase of one point, recovery of the 10 billion cut and allocation of additional resources to align salaries with inflation. For the Indemnities, the provision of specific indemnities for the assignment of alternates, of headquarters for workers far from their home or residence and of occupational risk is required.

Regarding the Mobility the abolition of restrictions and quotas for role changes and transfers is requested. As regards the Pensions the restoration of the 96 quota with free redemption of university training years and burnout recognition was included in the Manifesto. For the Birth rate there is the provision of a 14th for each dependent child up to the age of majority with one year of contributions paid for the pension for each child. For Professionalism there is the revision of the professional regulations with adequate allocation of resources to be defined in the contract.

Regarding the Training it is requested that it be carried out during the hours of service and paid without expensive and discriminating reward systems with the extension of the teaching card to temporary Ata and educators. For the Workplaces calls are made for the restoration of 4 thousand abandoned offices and the 4 presidency offices and the establishment of 80 thousand new classrooms with a plan for the safety of the buildings and ventilation of the classrooms.

For the Bargaining the revision of any legislative intervention in contrast with or in derogation to the contractual rules and simplification is required. For school time, the revision of compulsory schooling from last year of childhood to last year of secondary school is required with halving university fees for the less well-off to fight against dispersion and in favor of orientation, restoration of 4 hours a week in every order and grade. With regard to Inclusion, the revision of the support reform is required, from places in derogation to certifications, from the new Pei to the allocation of hours with attention to alloglot and bes students.
