Political crisis in Somaliland after the end of President Bihi’s mandate

Political crisis in Somaliland after the end of President Bihis

The opposition of Somaliland announces that it no longer recognizes the legitimacy of President Muse Bihi Abdi: the presidential election should have taken place on Sunday November 13, but the head of state obtained last month a postponement of the ballot and an extension of its mandate. No new date has been set and the country is at an impasse.

With our regional correspondent, Albane Thirouard

The opposition has carried out its threat. According to the Constitution, the term of President Muse Bihi Abdi was to end on Sunday. It is officially no longer legitimate, announced the opposition.

the election schedule is at the heart of this political crisis. In September, the Electoral Commission said it needed nine months to organize the presidential election, citing reasons “ technical and financial and thus postponing the election to 2023.

Then in the process, a powerful council of elders, the Guurti, extended President Bihi’s mandate by two years, provoking the anger of the opposition. She had already taken to the streets in August to express her dissatisfaction: at least five people had been killed.

This rejection of the extension of the presidential term thus fueling concerns about renewed tensions in the region. Several discussions have already taken place to try to find an agreement, but without success.

Because another battle is being played out. In Somaliland, the Constitution provides that the three parties authorized to participate in political life for the next 10 years are designated by vote. The power wants the election to take place before the presidential election, the opposition wants the opposite and accuses the head of state of seeking to remove the current opposition from the presidential election, by holding this vote before.

► To listen also: Somaliland: “This situation sheds a rather harsh light on the exhaustion of a certain model”
