Polish PM calls for freezing Russian state assets in the West

Polish PM calls for freezing Russian state assets in the

In Poland, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has called for the freezing of Russian state and oligarch assets in the West following a meeting with his Lithuanian and Ukrainian counterparts. These assets must be used to rebuild a sovereign and independent Ukraine, said the Polish head of government, calling once again for more sanctions against Russia.

With our correspondent in Warsaw, Sarah Bakaloglou

For Mateusz Morawiecki, the best way to put an end to what he describes as ” massacre and carnage right in the middle of Europe is to ensure that Russia pays the highest price for its actions in Ukraine.

And for that, it is necessary to completely freeze the assets of the Russian state, to confiscate them, just like those of the Russian oligarchs. The Prime Minister proposes to use them to create a fund to rebuild Ukraine.

►To listen: The political shock wave of the war in Ukraine

Once again, Warsaw therefore called for tougher sanctions against Moscow, accusing Western countries of having committed ” a huge mistake. »

For years the West lived in hope that Putin and Russia would change “said the Prime Minister. ” And this, despite the warnings in particular from Poland, received with skepticism and incredulity “, he regretted.

Warsaw, despite its large imports of coal from Russia, is calling for an embargo on Russian gas, oil and coal. A few days ago, Mateusz Morawiecki announced that Poland would be independent within six months of gas coming from Russiacalling on other countries to do the same in order to cut off oxygen from Moscow.
