Policeman forgot his weapon at gas station

Policeman forgot his weapon at gas station

In early February, a police officer forgot his service weapon inside a customer toilet at the OKQ8 gas station. A customer found the weapon in the toilet and must have then handed it in at the till.

The staff at the grocery took care of the weapon

Staff recovered the weapon and locked it in the gas station’s safe.

In the case made by the Police Authority, which News24 informed, it says a plainclothes female police officer re-entered the station approximately ten minutes after the customer found the weapon.

The female police officer must have explained in a written statement to the police authority that she, together with her service dog, was on her way to an assignment.

The police are ashamed of the incident

She felt “a bit stressed”, but wanted to eat something and go to the toilet, as she suspected that the upcoming mission might drag on.

Her statement also states that she is “sorry and very ashamed of what happened, but that she has taken measures to prevent it from happening again.”

Judged to have broken in the handling of his service pistol

The police authority assesses that the female police officer failed in the handling of her assigned service pistol and negligently disregarded her duties in the employment in a way that cannot be considered petty.

They therefore believe that a salary deduction would be an appropriate disciplinary penalty.

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