Gang criminals in family-based networks operating HVB homes – which are used as warehouses for weapons.
It warns the police after reviewing a previously classified intelligence report.
– It is a failure for the entire care of the childsays Peter Allheim, Commissioner at Noa, National Operative Department.
After the Police Authority reviewed an intelligence report that in turn reviewed SIS and HVB homes in Sweden, alarming information has come to light, the police warn.
Family-based criminal networks are behind several of the country’s youth homes.
“Coming out in worse condition”
– Revoking children’s basic rights to free movement and then placing them in facilities that not only lack proper care programs, but are even run by serious criminals is extremely serious. This risks causing some children to come out in a worse condition than they were in when they were placed at HVB, says Peter Allheim, Commissioner at Noa, National Operational Department.
The police have supplemented information from the Swedish Companies Registration Office with data from the police’s own intelligence database. 18 companies in a total of 28 locations have demanded measures from the authorities, write DN.
In addition, several employees have been linked to criminal gangs, such as Bandidos and Hells Angels. HVB homes have been used as warehouses for weapons and drugs.
“Tearing his hair out”
– The situation is serious, but it can also be reversed through a number of measures and cooperation between authorities. We have a collaboration with the government’s special investigator in children and youth issues, where we report our picture of reality.
During their investigation, the police have also been able to identify so-called “business starters” – a direct causative factor in the fact that organized crime can be committed, says Allheim to DN.
– We cannot rule out that municipal administrators and representatives of HVB operations have ties so that it is a matter of corruption. It may be that children are placed in accommodation that is chosen based on perspectives and conditions other than the best interests of the child. It is a problem that threatens democracy.