Police want to get in touch with you – asks for help

Police want to get in touch with you asks

Are you one of those who have ever advised the police? If not, it may be a good idea to consider if there is something in your surroundings that can consult a tip.

On their website, the police write that there are usually accurate tips that come from private individuals and want more.

“We get many good things, but we are happy to see even more,” writes Per WadhedHead of the Secretariat for Authority Cooperation at the National Operations Department, NOA, on the police website.

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It is looking for the police tips on

The police are now looking for tips on working life crime, a type of crime that often requires someone tips for it to be noticed.

“The tips together with other information mean that we can act together with other authorities, municipalities and county administrative boards,” Wadhed continues on the website.

Last year, 568 tips on working life crime were received. The majority of these came from large companies operating in Sweden’s big cities.

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The police need more tips on crime in workplaces

About 15 percent of the tips that come to the police regarding working life crime come from civil society and the police now want to get more tips from private individuals. The tips are often useful and many lead to measures such as a workplace inspection, the police say.

“We get many good things, but we are happy to see even more. Everyone can help fight criminal companies that use both people and our society,” Per Wadhed writes on the authority’s website.

There are many different crimes that are included in the term working life crime. These can be, among other things, when employers violate rules about the work environment, take part in grants they are not entitled to, do not pay taxes or allow people to work who do not have a work permit in Sweden.

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