Police shot at a car – considered an emergency

Police shot at a car considered an emergency

Published: Less than 20 minutes ago

full screen The preliminary investigation against the police officers who fired shots at a car this spring is closed. Stock Photography. Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT

In May, police shot at a car that was driving straight towards them in Gothenburg. The preliminary investigation against the police is now closed because the prosecutor has come to the conclusion that it was an emergency situation, Göteborgs-Posten reports.

The shooting took place in the district of Lunden in connection with a reconnaissance operation linked to drug crimes. When the police tried to carry out an arrest, one or more people jumped into a car, which then drove towards the police. Several police officers then fired their service weapons at the car.

“The violence they used has not been clearly unjustifiable,” writes Chief Prosecutor Per Nichols in his decision.

He states that an investigation is always initiated when police officers use their service weapons to determine whether a crime has been committed or not.

GP has previously reported that a 24-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of driving the car. According to the newspaper, the man is linked to a criminal network. He is also convicted of violence against an official after hitting a police officer in the face.

No one was injured in connection with the suspected attempted collision or shooting.
