Police: Several measures are taken after the Köping fires

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Since mid-June, about 15 reports of fires have been received by the police. These have mainly been fires in containers, rubbish bins and shrubs. The fires have been concentrated in an area around Elund and Östanås, which is why the police suspect that it is the same perpetrator or perpetrators who are behind it. So far, there are few or no testimonies.

– The dry weather increases the risk of a fire spreading and in the worst case it can cause major property damage or danger to life and health, says Johan Thalberg, press spokesperson for the Västmanland police.

Risk of more fires

More specifically, what measures are being taken by the police do not want to go into. In parallel with the investigation work, they also work to create security by having a high presence in different places. The assessment is that there is a continued risk of several fires in the future.
