Police Response to Government Protest in Armenia

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Police intervened in the anti-government demonstrations in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. It is stated that at least 50 people were hospitalized in the incidents.

Videos from the demonstrations show the crowd throwing foreign objects at the police. An explosion is also heard during the events.
Russian Interfax news agency, in its news based on the Deputy Head of the Armenian National Police Force, states that the security forces intervened the demonstrators with sound bombs and that the intervention took place when the demonstrators started throwing stones at the police.

It is known that Armenia started as a reaction to the normalization of relations with Azerbaijan, after the conflicts with Azerbaijan that continued in 2020 and resulted in the withdrawal of Armenia. Demonstrators in Armenia are protesting the government of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

According to the agencies, 34 of those hospitalized are police officers. In Armenia, the government buildings were under control during the protest demonstrations before, and roads and subway systems were closed by the demonstrators.
