Police report on summary night, Norrköping

Police report on summary night, Norrköping

“Night report”, the police write on their website.

The police in Östergötland report this:

Between 22 and 07, the police’s regional command center handled about 50 cases relating to the county of Östergötland. Most of them are of a routine nature.

At 22:37, the police received an alert that a 25-year-old man had been robbed in central Norrköping. The man is said to have sold goods online, and in connection with handing over the goods was robbed. The perpetrators must have produced a sharp object and forced the plaintiff’s personal belongings.
The legal situation is robbery of the normal degree.
No person has been arrested as a suspect in the crime.

Read more here.

Norrköping is in the top 15 in Sweden this year in terms of summary night.

The city with the most summaries at night so far this year is Västernorrland, followed by Norrbotten and Jämtland. Brief facts about Norrköping

Norrköping has 98,088 inhabitants and is located in Östergötland. Norrköping is Sweden’s eleventh largest conurbation.


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