Police officers are charged – kept drugs in the safe at home

A police officer allegedly kept large quantities of narcotics at home and another police officer allegedly tried to recruit a person as an informant, despite the fact that he tried to leave crime.
They are charged with, among other things, serious drug offences, breach of confidentiality and gross misconduct.
On Wednesday, the officers were released from custody pending the verdict that will come next week.

It is a story with many eye-catching details. Two policemen, one in his 50s and one in his 30s, are currently awaiting their verdict after being charged with, among other things, serious drug offenses and gross misconduct.

The trial ended last week and prosecutor Marianne Nordström is calling for a multi-year prison sentence.

The prosecutor believes that the police officers, who worked in southern Stockholm, have handled a large amount of narcotics. According to the lawsuit, they have not reported that they had it in their possession and must also have repackaged it. The 30-year-old then allegedly stored the drugs in a safe at home.

The police deny any wrongdoing and claim in turn that there is an explanation for what happened, they protected their source.

The officers have been in custody since September and were released from custody on Wednesday.

Invited to gang contact

The older policeman is also suspected of gross misconduct. According to the lawsuit, a person had sought help at a dropout facility and was told to turn off their phone to avoid contact with a criminal gang. The 50-year-old allegedly contacted the person and asked him to instead have his phone on so the gang could contact him.

A police officer who is a witness in the investigation says that the 50-year-old contacted her and said that he wanted the person as an informant because his previous contact in the criminal gang had died.

The plaintiff says in questioning that the policeman must have said that he could help him if it came to the point that the person would be taken into custody according to the Act on the care of young people. In exchange, the 50-year-old wanted information about a criminal network.

The prosecutor believes that the 50-year-old seriously abused his position as a policeman and that the act endangered the person’s life and health.

Several times in the indictment, the prosecutor writes that the police officers “seriously abused their position as police officers which resulted in crimes of a serious nature not being investigated.”

The police deny any wrongdoing. On February 22, the verdict will come.
