police investigate ‘act of terrorism’ and cancel LGBT march

police investigate act of terrorism and cancel LGBT march

Norwegian police opened an investigation on Saturday for “ terrorist act after fatal shootings near bars in central Oslo overnight, canceling the LGBT Pride march scheduled for the day.

The alleged perpetrator of the shooting which left two dead and 21 injured, including ten seriously, is a 42-year-old Norwegian of Iranian origin known to the internal intelligence services, also in charge of anti-terrorism, according to the Oslo police. .

He is suspected of homicide, attempted homicide and terrorist act. “, said a police official, Christian Hatlo, during a press conference.

He intended to sow terror »

This last count is motivated by ” the number of injured and killed, the number of crime scenes – at least three – and (…) there is good reason to believe that he intended to sow terror “, he added.

According to the police, the vital prognosis of the injured is not or no longer engaged. The shooting occurred at around 1 a.m. (11 p.m. UT, Friday) outside a pub, Per på hjørnet, where the two deaths were reported, according to local media.

She then continued past an adjoining gay club, the London Pub, right in the center of the Norwegian capital, so packed on that hot summer night. “ There are reasons to believe that this is a hate crimee”, added Mr. Hatlo, referring to the nature of the places targeted, “ especially the London Pub “.

The man was arrested on Saturday at 1:19 a.m. (11:19 p.m. GMT, Friday), five minutes after the first reports. Civilians assisted in the capture of the suspect as well as providing first aid, according to police who greeted ” a heroic contribution “. Two weapons were seized at the scene of the attack: an automatic weapon and a handgun which Mr. Hatlo presented as ” old “.

Cancellation of the LGBT Pride Parade

The LGBT Pride March scheduled for Saturday afternoon in Oslo has been cancelled. As a sign of solidarity, rainbow flags were placed near the scene of the attack. The police force has been reinforced in the capital to deal with possible other incidents.

It is estimated at this point that there was only one author “behind the shooting” but nothing can be said with certainty so soon “, in the investigation, said Inspector Tore Soldal, during the press conference.

Generally peaceful, Norway had been the scene of bloody attacks on July 22, 2011. On that day, the right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people in a bomb attack on the seat of government in Oslo and a shooting attack on a gathering of young workers on the island of Utøya.

(with AFP)
