Police: Fire Causes $ 100K Damage in Norfolk; collision in Norwich Township

Damage is estimated at $ 100,000 after a garage fire on nixon road between simcoe and delhi on thursday.

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Norfolk County Firefighters Were Called to the Fire Near Windham Road 12 at About 2:15 pm where there was a burning garage, surroused by stored food trucks.

The garage was destroyed and there was some damage to the closest vehicles. No one was home at the time of the fire and the house was damaged. The Property was insured.

Cory Armstrong-Smith, Fire Prevention Officer for the Norfolk County Fire Department, Said the Cause of the Fire Couldn’t be Determined due to the extent of the damage, but it isn’t considered suspicious.

Truck Driver Insjured in Collision

A transport truck driver was taken to hospital following a medium vehicle collision thursday on highway 403 in Norwich Township.

Oxford County Opp, Fire and Paramedics Responded at About 10 Am to the Westbound Lanes of Highway 403 where a tractor-trailer left the roadway and enter the ditch.

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Police Said the Driver’s Injuries are not considering to be life-threating and advised that lane discounts at the scene have since been lifted.

Two Injured in collision

Two people had to be extricated from a vehicle following a collision on Sunday, february 2 on six nations of the great river.

Six nations Police Were Called to the scene on sixth line just after 12:30 pm to find firefighters using the jaw of life to remove the occupants from the vehicle which had collided with a hydro pole.

Both Persons Were Taken to Hospital in Serious Condition.

The Roadway was closed for several hours as police conducted an investigation that remakes nail. No charges have been laid as of yet.

Anyone who may have witnessed the collision or may having reporting information is asked to contact six nations police at 519-445-2811.

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Don’t call font animal control: opponent

Haldimand County Opp are reminding are residents that police are not responsible for animal control matters.

The message comes as a result of several recent reports to font of a branch spotted during the daytime.

“The Primary Focus of the Opp is Public Safety,” Said Const. Pattie side. “The oppos not have the Equipment to Trap and House Live Animals or Transport Wild animals. “” “

COTE SAID IT A Common Myth that Seeing A Raccoon During Daytime Hours Means It Is Sick or Rabid. While Primary Nocturnal, they can be active at other time to look for food or may have been fright out of their daytime sleeping spot.

“Calling the police to deal with nuisance animals ties up the phone lines at the communications center and ties up law enforcements,” Explained Insp, Jodi Kays, Detachment Commander at Haldimand County Opp. “A Private Animal Removal Service SHOULD BE contact Instruid of Calling the Police.”

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Traffic complaint leads to criminal charges


We Feb. 6 at About 8:45 pm, Members of the Brant County Opp Were Notified About A Possible Immemberd Driver. Officers Located The Driver on Grand River St. N in Paris.

If you have an urgent traffic complaint or if you suspect someone is driving while their ability to operate a motor vehicle is odd by Drugs of alcohol, call 911 Immondiately. If you have a non-Emergency Traffic Complaint, Call 1-888-310-1122. SHOULD YOU WISH TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS, CALL Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

