Police fear escalation after C. Gambino’s death

The police were alerted on Tuesday evening about a shooting in a parking garage at Hisingen. At the scene, the artist C.Gambino was found shot, he was taken to hospital but his life could not be saved. According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, he was shot with at least two shots in the upper body.

An intensive police operation is underway to find the shooter, but no arrests have yet been made.

Tasks: Summons extra resources

According to information given to TV4 Nyheterna, the police now fear that C.Gambino’s death may lead to the conflict at Hisingen flaring up. The police in Gothenburg have therefore chosen to collect resources from other parts of the police region West.

C.Gambino himself was never convicted of any serious crimes, but according to the police he had connections to gang crime. Due to the incident, the police have increased the police presence in the area.

– We helped each other in the various local police areas. This has happened in Hisingen, then it is natural that you support from other areas, then I don’t know exactly how it looks in this case, but we make sure that the necessary resources are available, says August Brandt, press spokesperson at the police.

At the moment, there is no information that personnel have been brought in from any other police regions.

The police: Not unusual with revenge actions

According to the police, the increased police presence fulfills two functions – to create security and to gather information.

– We have still not arrested anyone and the preliminary investigation is ongoing. When we are on site, we find that people are more inclined to talk, says August Brandt.

The police cannot comment on whether it is feared that the conflict may flare up in the area, but say that they have seen such a pattern in previous crimes.

– It is something that we have with us. We have seen historically that it is not unusual for revenge actions if it happened within the framework of a gang conflict. We take account of that and do everything we can to counter it if that is the case, says August Brandt.

Charting C.Gambino’s final hours

At the same time as the police work at Hisingen continues, a preliminary investigation regarding murder is ongoing.

– We try to create as clear and good a picture as possible through information retrieval. Mapping, hearing people who may have information, following up on the many tips we received, says August Brandt.

C.Gambino’s last hours in life are also being mapped by the police.

– The victim’s last hours and last day of life are mapped, to put the puzzle together and create as solid a preliminary investigation as possible, says August Brandt.
