Police equipment is being updated – with stun guns

After a long test period, it is time for the police force to carry stun guns, writes the Police on their website. The task force is already fully trained and is the first to be equipped. In some places in the country, stun guns are already in full use.

– The task forces are a smaller group of the total police force. There is an in-house training organization that can quickly adapt to the training needs that arise. HR, Continuing and further education has carried out trainer training for the response operations during the spring and these trainers are now in full swing training all response operators around the country, says Daniel Gidemarbusiness developer at the National Operational Department of the authority.

“A complement to other equipment”

The introduction of stun guns must be ready by December 31, 2024 at the latest, according to the police. Then all police officers in external service must be trained and have access to the weapon.

– The stun gun must function as a complement to other equipment. The weapon is useful in intervention situations where violence or the threat of violence is imminent, says Daniel Gidemar.

The weapon incapacitates a perpetrator by knocking out his nerve signals and causes him to end up in a convulsion-like state for a short while. But the stun gun is not fatal – the energy discharge is so low that neither the heart, lungs nor pacemakers are seriously affected.
