Police blotter: Stunt driving, flight from police

Police blotter Stunt driving flight from police

Stunt driving load

A 52-year-old Brant County resident has had his driver’s license suspended for 30 days and has had his vehicle impounded for two weeks after police say he was caught driving more than 140 km/h in a post 80 km/h zone.

The man was stopped by Brant OPP at about 7:25 pm on Wednesday (Aug. 10) while traveling on Governors Road East. A Brant OPP was conducting speed enforcement in the area at the time.

The driver has been charged with stunt driving, speeding and speeding in excess of 50 km/h over the posted speed limit.

Collision results in impaired charge

A 24-year-old Brant County man has been charged with impaired driving following a Wednesday evening collision in Paris.

Brant OPP were sent to a Queen Street address in Paris just before 8 pm to investigate a collision. One person was arrested and transported to Brant County OPP detachment for testing.

The suspect was subsequently charged with impaired driving – alcohol or drugs and refusing to provide a sample of his breath.

Man facing numerous charges

A 25-year-old Six Nations man faces numerous charges including flee from police following an early Tuesday morning incident.

Six Nations Police officers saw a man trying to attach a trailer to a truck hitch and stopped to offer assistance, police said.

The driver returned to the vehicle without attaching the trailer and drove off.

Officers, noting the driver has slurred speech and glassy eyes, followed the vehicle and saw it enter a ditch and into a field, police said.

The driver then tried to flee on foot.

However, he was apprehended without incident.

Police subsequently learned the trailer and vehicle plates had been stolen. They also found and seized an edged weapon.

The suspect has been charged with: impaired operation of a motor vehicle, flight from police, dangerous driving, unauthorized possession of a weapon, two counts of possession of stolen property under $5,000 and two counts of possession of stolen property over $5,000.

Pedestrian struck by vehicle

A pedestrian was transported to hospital for treatment after being struck by a vehicle in a Simcoe residential area on Friday morning.

Police say the person was walking on Mann Avenue when they were struck by a vehicle making a turn from Rutherford Drive.

Norfolk OPP and paramedics responded to the scene at just before 8 am

const. Ed Sanchuk, spokesperson for the Norfolk OPP, said the pedestrian’s condition was not immediately known..

The investigation is in the early stages, he said.


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