Police blotter: Resident finds stranger in home

Police blotter Resident finds stranger in home

Port Dover resident finds stranger in home

Norfolk OPP reminds residents to lock their doors and windows.

The advisory comes after a Port Dover resident awoke at 6:30 am on Friday to discover an unknown male sitting on the couch. The man was asked to leave and subsequently left in an unknown direction, police said.

Police were notified and are asking for public assistance in identifying a suspect. Anyone with information is asked to call Norfolk County OPP at 1-888-310-1122. Those who wish to remain anonymous, can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or leave an anonymous online message at the tips link at www.helpsolvecrime.com where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2000.

Residents need to be aware of their personal safety at all times and to be extremely vigilant when any stranger arrives at your home, Norfolk OPP say.

The OPP’s website, www.opp.ca, contains a number of useful resources, tips and links.

Vehicle stolen

Provincial police in Norfolk are investigating the theft of a vehicle from a Concession 8, South Walsingham, Norfolk County address.

The theft took place sometime between 2:30 am and 3 am Friday when someone entered an unlocked cargo van parked on the property. Once inside, the keys were located, and the vehicle was subsequently stolen.

The stolen vehicle is described as a white, 2007, Chevrolet Express cargo van. It has substantial rust particularly above the front windshield. It also contained a DeWalt miter saw along with boxes of siding, police say.

Police are continuing to investigate and are seeking the public’s assistance with this investigation. Anyone has any information is being asked to contact police at 1-888-310-1122.

Wallet stolen

A wallet was stolen from a vehicle parked at a Queensway East, Simcoe address on Friday, Norfolk OPP say.

The theft took place sometime between 4 and 4:30 pm when the unlocked vehicle was entered. Once inside, the thief or thieves found a wallet containing personal and financial information, police say.

It was later discovered that a credit card from the stolen wallet had been used at a Simcoe business. Police are attempting to obtain security surveillance footage to identify the thief or thieves responsible for the theft.

Provincial police are reminding everyone to lock their vehicles and remove all valuables and to report suspicious activity by calling police at 1-888-310-1122.

boat tarp stolen

Norfolk OPP are investigating the theft of a boat tarp from a docked vessel at a Highway 59, Long Point address.

The tarp, all of its hardware and accessories are worth about $10,000. The items were taken sometime between Sept. 5 and Sept. 9.

Break, enter and theft

An undisclosed amount of Canadian currency was stolen from a John Street address in Simcoe, Norfolk OPP say.

The theft took place sometime in the month of August when the home was forcibly entered. Police were notified of the theft on Sept. 9.

Anyone with information about the theft is asked to contact police at 1-888-310-1122. Those who wish to remain anonymous, can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or leave an anonymous online message on the tips link at www.helpsolvecrime.com where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2000.


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