Police blotter: Man faces numerous weapons charges

Police blotter Man faces numerous weapons charges

A 21-year-old man who falsely claimed to be a victim of a drive-by shooting faces numerous charges including careless use of a firearm.

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Police say the charges stem from an Aug. 27 incident when police were sent to a Sympatica Crescent residence to investigate a drive-by shooting which left a man injured.

Upon arrival, officers found a man with a gunshot wound to his leg. The man was assessed by Brant-Brantford paramedics before being transported to hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries.

Further investigation revealed there wasn’t a drive-by shooting and the gunshot wound appeared to be self-inflicted. Police also found the man had a complete firearm and seven 3-D printed firearm receivers, including one with a tampered serial number.

Police also found a bag of components used for manufacturing additional firearms, ammunition, two prohibited magazines and a large quantity of suspected fentanyl.

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Further investigation revealed that the accused was under a court order.

Police charged the man, a non-resident of Brantford, with careless use of a firearm, weapon, ammunition, eight counts of careless storage of a firearm, eight counts of unauthorized possession of a firearm, two counts unauthorized possession, eight counts of knowledge of unauthorized possession of a firearm, eight counts of possession of a prohibited or restricted firearm, eight counts manufacture of a weapon or firearm, failure to report finding a firearm, weapon, device or ammunition, tampering with a serial number of a firearm, public mischief and possession for the purposes of trafficking (fentanyl).

Impaired driving charge

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A 25-year-old Brantford man has been charged with impaired driving after being stopped by police on Aug. 26.

Officers stopped the vehicle just after 9:45 pm after receiving a call about a possible impaired driver in the area of ​​Market Street South and Icomm Drive. While speaking with the driver, officers noticed signs of impairment, said police.

The driver subsequently provided two breath tests and both samples were over the legal limit of 80 milligrams of alcohol for every 100 milliliters of blood, said police.

The driver was charged with impaired driving and driving with more than the legal limit of alcohol in his blood.

Woman charged with impaired driving

A 30-year-old woman faces numerous charges after being arrested by police on King George Road on Aug. 26.

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The charges come after police saw a vehicle travel through a construction zone on King George Road near Powerline Road at a high rate of speed at 2 am

Police say the vehicle was traveling 116 km/h in a posted 60 km/h zone with workers present at the time.

While speaking with the driver, a non-resident of Brantford, officers noticed signs of impairment and saw an open container of alcohol within reach, police said in a media release. The driver was also unable to provide proof of valid insurance and a valid vehicle permit.

The driver was arrested after failing a roadside test. Two breath tests showed the driver was over the legal limit.

Police have charged the driver with impaired driving, speeding in a construction zone, stunt driving, driving with liquor readily available, failure to surrender an insurance card, failure to surrender a motor vehicle permit.

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The driver’s vehicle was impounded and her driver’s license was suspended.

Disturbance in Mohawk St. area

Police are appealing to the public for information that would help identify a man involved in an Aug. 25 trouble.

The incident occurred at about 2:20 pm in the Mohawk Street near Emily Street area.

The man is a white male between 30 and 40 years of age. He was wearing a black shirt, dark pants and a baseball hat

Police say he was driving a vehicle, which appears to be a dark-colored 2020-2023 GMC Terrain either ebony, twilight metallic or navy metallic.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Const. Hannah Blackburn at 519-756-7050 ext 2583. Those who wish to remain anonymous are asked to call Brant Brantford Crime Stoppers at 519-750-8477 or 1-800-222-8477 or submit a web tip online at www.crimestoppersbb. com/submit-a-tip/ .

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Police are asking the public to help identify man involved in a recent disturbance.

Driver accused of being impaired

A 53-year-old Brantford woman has been charged with impaired driving after being stopped by police at about noon hour on Aug. 22.

The vehicle was stopped after the driver was seen driving erratically before striking a hydro pole while traveling northbound on Peel Street from Nelson Street in Brantford, said police.

Officers noticed signs of impairment and demanded that she complete a drug recognition test. As a result, officers said she was impaired by drug.

Police also learned the driver was driving while under suspension.

She has been charged with impaired driving and dangerous driving.

The woman’s vehicle has been impounded and her driver’s license has been suspended.

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Driver charged with impairment by drugs

A 35-year-old man has been charged with impaired driving after being stopped by police at about 10:35 am Tuesday.

Police stopped the vehicle after receiving a report of a possible impaired driver at a Market Street South location in Brantford. The vehicle was parked when police arrived.

While speaking with the driver, police noticed signs of impairment and conducted a drug recognition test. Officers determined the driver, a non-resident of Brantford, to be impaired, said police.

The driver was subsequently charged with impaired driving. His vehicle was impounded and his license was suspended.

[email protected]



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