police and customs are the most affected by corruption, according to a report

police and customs are the most affected by corruption according

In Burkina Faso, the national anti-corruption network (REN-LAC) released its latest report on Tuesday, December 6. It focuses on the state of corruption, but also its perception during the year 2021. From this new report, it appears that corruption continues to increase in Burkina Faso.

For his investigation, the REN-LAC surveyed 3,000 people in the 13 regional capitals, as well as the commercial town of Pouytenga, in the center-east of the country. And more than 85% of respondents believe that corruption in Burkina Faso is frequent. The perception index has been rising steadily since 2016, rising from 41 to 71 points today.

Half of the respondents witnessed or participated in an act of corruption in 2021. For the most part, it was illegal compensation in exchange for a service. According to the REN-LAC survey, the public services most concerned are the national police, customs and the municipal police.

Of the 1,500 people who have been in direct contact with an act of corruption, only 3.5% have denounced it. The vast majority do not trust anti-corruption measures.

Especially since the highest spheres of Burkinabè power are incapable of setting an example. The years of Roch Marc Christian Kaboré’s presidency were marred by several scandals, such as the Rafi affair, when millions of FCFA evaporated during an order for helicopters. Or that of the 668 million mission expenses of the former Minister of Higher Education and the money laundering of the chief of staff of the President of Faso. None of these cases, however, resulted in legal proceedings.
