Saga Andersson exceeded 446 on her first and improved her indoor track record by two cents.
Pole vaulter Saga Andersson took the indoor track record to victory on Saturday in Huddinge, Sweden.
Andersson went 432 on his first, 440 on his third and 446 on his first attempt. Andersson finished the competition with a height of 451, which is a centimeter more than his record jumped on outdoor tracks.
– Now the jumping was much better than in the previous games of the winter, but I still missed those attempts from a height of 451, Andersson said in the Sports Association’s press release.
Of the 451 companies, only the third worked.
– There was enough height in that jump, but enough work should have been done to cross, Andersson said.
Silja Andersson secured a double win for the sisters in Huddinge, behind Saga Andersson, by surpassing her best result this season with 417.