pole vaulter Renaud Lavillenie still misses the minimums for the Olympics in Toulouse

pole vaulter Renaud Lavillenie still misses the minimums for the

Former pole vault world record holder Renaud Lavillenie failed to clear a single bar in Toulouse this Saturday June 22 and will therefore have to achieve the Olympic minimums (5.82 meters) at all costs during the French Championships in Angers on June 30. One month before the Paris Olympic Games, the race against the clock for the minimums is almost coming to an end for Renaud Lavillenie. Operated in September on the hamstrings, the 2012 Olympic champion returned to competition at the end of May and has since continued meetings to try to validate his ticket for the Olympics, for the moment without success. After six competitions in one month, the 37-year-old from Clermont has still not achieved the necessary 5.82 meters. This June 22 on the famous Place du Capitole in Toulouse, he failed three times to clear 5.50 meters, his first bar. “ Disgusted, frustrated, want to go home… That’s the feeling », Reacted Lavillenie after his competition, stressing that he was hampered by the wind and the damp conditions which were not optimal.
