Volunteers are set to plunge into icy water Feb. 10 in Sarnia to help support the Special Olympics.

Volunteers are set to plunge into icy water Feb. 10 in Sarnia to help support the Special Olympics.
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The Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Ontario, a successful fundraiser elsewhere, is being held in Sarnia for the first time this year. Last year, 32 events across raised a total of $850,000.
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Jocelyne Paquette, a Sarnia police constable who helps organize with the long-running local Law Enforcement Torch Run, said they were looking for another local Special Olympics fundraiser.
“It’s a fun event,” she said of the Polar Plunge, which is connected with the torch run. “I know it has done very well in other cities. . . so we thought we’d try it.”
The Sarnia event is set for Lambton College Feb. 10 with registration at 11 am “Starting at noon, people can plunge into a bin,” Paquette said.
Marcotte Disposal is donating a bin that will be lined, “so it’s clean,” set up outside the college and filled with water, she said. Skyway Canada is providing scaffolding so plungers can get in and out.
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“There are showers and change rooms at the college we have available for use,” Paquette said. “We’re going to have heaters outside people can warm up by.”
Plungers can register on the day or in advance at polarplunge.ca/sarnia. The website also accepts donations for the event and registered teams.
The $40 registration fee is waived for those who collect $100 or more in donations.
About 86 plungers had registered as of Thursday and more than $15,000 had been raised.
“The more the merrier,” Paquette said.
“Anybody can register,” she said. “There is some law enforcement participating, but we’re hoping for more community involvement, as well.”
Some local businesses have registered to take part, she added.
And organizers hope others will come out that day to watch “and cheer everyone on,” Paquette said. “I think it would be great to have a big crowd there.”
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“There’s going to be hot chocolate, a 50-50 draw. . . (and) a barbecue (where) they can purchase food,” she said.
And if this week’s milder temperatures stick around for Feb. 10, “it would be great,” she said.
Polar Plunges have been held this year in Chatham-Kent and St. Thomas, and events are set for Feb. 29 in Windsor-Essex and March 1 in London.
About 150 athletes and 70 volunteers are registered with Special Olympics Sarnia, which offers curling, swimming, floor hockey, 10-pin and five-pin bowling, basketball, powerlifting, soccer, track and field, and dance fitness programs.
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