Poland’s warning about Russia’s “new weapon”

Polands warning about Russias new weapon

The exports of sunflower oilwheat or corn they are key not only for the Ukrainian economy, but for the countries that invest money in acquiring these products. The Russian invasion has greatly reduced the capacity of the country’s crops.

In fact Ukraineuntil 2021, has been a leader in exports of sunflower oil, and one of the great exporters of products such as corn or barley, and wheat. Last year, 32 million tons of wheat were produced, while for the rest of the products 50 tons were reached. From the beginning of the conflict, the lack of grain has caused an increase in prices of food around the world.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki spoke at the ‘BBC‘ about the use of this “new weapon” by the Kremlin. “Putin is using Ukraine’s crops for military purposes and how blackmail tool for the rest of the world”, began the leader of the Polish Executive at the Davos Forum. Morawiecki expressed at the same time that Putin “is interested in a trade war between the European Union and the United Kingdom for the Brexit agreement for Northern Ireland” .

At the same time, the Prime Minister compared the current situation with what “Stalin did in 1933”. In that year, food crops were looted, killing millions of people in the 1930s. Today, Ukraine’s crops are one of the main targets of Russian troops. The attacks perpetrated have led to a blockage both in production and in exports to other countries.

From kyiv they urged the international community to establishment of “a safe corridor” that allows grain exports to other countries and that, to this day, are still blocked by Russian troops.

“Global cooperation is the antidote to Russian blackmail”

The President of the European Commission also spoke on this matter, Ursula Von der Leyen, who mentioned one of the risks that the Russian invasion brings with it on grain exports. “Russia is using hunger and grain to exert power“, he said in Davos (Switzerland), while exposing the best tool against Russia. “Global cooperation is the antidote to Russian blackmail.”

Spain imports from Ukraine annually 2.7 million tons of corn (22% of Spanish imports), 233,000 tons of sunflower cake and approximately 500,000 tons of sunflower oil, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
