Poland’s Anita Wlodarczyk to undergo surgery after subduing burglar

Polish hammer thrower Anita Wlodarczyk celebrating her third Olympic gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics on August 3, 2021.

Athlete Anita Wlodarczyk, 36, said on Twitter on Friday June 10 that she had foiled a robbery attempt: “ A stranger broke into my car. I apprehended the thief alone and handed him over to the police. Unfortunately, I paid the price with a muscle injury. The triple Olympic champion, quadruple world champion and quadruple European hammer throw champion, who did not specify the nature of her injury, will be operated on Monday, June 13. The world record holder in the discipline (82.98m) hopes to be restored for the next World Athletics Championships, scheduled from July 15 to 24 in Eugene (Oregon, United States).

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