Poland wants to free itself from energy dependence on Russia

Polish Czech and Slovenian Prime Ministers visit kyiv

The Polish government has adopted a bill to ban coal imports and intends to get rid of Russian oil by the end of 2022. For several weeks, Warsaw has been pushing for a European embargo on gas, Russian oil and coal, in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

With our correspondent in Warsaw, Sarah Bakaloglou

It is the most radical plan in Europee,” says Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, announcing that Warsaw could do without Russian coal as early as April or May. On several occasions, the Polish government had indicated that it was ready to put in place an embargo on Russian coal, pending the green light from Brussels. But yesterday, the government finally announced that it no longer wanted to wait, criticizing in passing the inaction of the European Union and of certain countries which continue to use Russian energies.

I call on the European Commission today to establish a tax on Russian hydrocarbons so that trade and economic rules in the European single market work fairly », declares Mateusz Morawiecki during a press conference.

Recalling that certain European States, including in particular germanythe most reserved country are reluctant to give up imports of Russian raw materials, and that these could be sold at a relatively low, competitive price, he indicated that the tax in question would be aimed at “ to equalize energy prices throughout the European Union “. Polish embargo, Warsaw acknowledges, could breach EU trade rules

We do not want this addiction, but others, regardless of cruel war, Russian aggression against Ukraine, blackmail, use these raw materials », explains Mateusz Morawiecki.

Redefining energy supply

These energy changes are not without challenges, as Poland, through private companies, imports almost 8 million tons of Russian coal per year, mainly to heat individual homes. Today, the country is among the biggest buyers of Russian oil in the world.

Read also: Faced with war, should energy sobriety be imposed?

The Polish government wants to be optimistic and indicates that it can turn to other countries, such as South Africa and Australia for coal or Saudi Arabia for its oil supply.

We can no longer return to this stupidity, to this policy, bad and criminal, which made the importing States dependent on Russia. “and brought to the latter funds” to build an arsenal of war and be able to attack its neighbors “, he estimated, calling for what we “ take away from Putin this instrument of blackmail, this instrument of war “.

For several years, Warsaw has in any case reduced its imports of Russian gas, its contract with Gazprom will not be renewed. Poland is counting in particular on liquefied natural gas from Qatar and the United States and soon on Norwegian gas, while a gas pipeline is under construction under the Baltic Sea to link the two countries.

Read also: EU: the Twenty-Seven are looking for ways to obtain gas supplies without going through Russia
