Poland re-establishes exclusion zone on parts of its border with Belarus

Poland unveils major plan to strengthen border security

Poland re-establishes an exclusion zone on parts of its border with Belarus. Warsaw wants to deal with the influx of illegal migrants, helped by the Belarusian and Russian governments, who are trying to enter the country. A strong decision after the attack on a soldier this week.

1 min

With our correspondent in Warsaw, Martin Chabal

A soldier is in hospital after being stabbed by a migrant who crossed the border. An affair which moves the country and which pushes Prime Minister Donald Tusk to take radical measures. He therefore decided to re-establish a buffer zone, where any unauthorized person will be confronted by the army.

A return to what the ultranationalist and conservative predecessors of PiS had put in place from the start of the migration crisis. If the ruling coalition and the PiS are opposed in every way, they find themselves on the subject of the border with Belarus.

After his election, Donald Tusk quickly said he wanted to strengthen the anti-migrant wall erected at the border by the PiS. And this despite the voice of numerous associations trying to alert the government about the inhumane treatment of refugees trying to cross.

According to figures from border guards, nearly 13,000 have tried to cross into Poland since the start of the year. With this new buffer zone which extends over more than 200 meters around specific points, associations which try to help refugees will no longer be welcome.

Read alsoOn the border with Belarus, Poles up against the wall
