Poland finds partner for Izera, its first electric car

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Poland’s electric car startup Izera, which we first know with its announcement in 2020, has entrusted its infrastructure to a rising name.

As in Turkey’s domestic automobile initiative Togg, the dynamics of the electric car world brings along a brand new opportunity in many points. Poland became the member of the process in 2020, where the production stages could progress with relatively faster steps thanks to the partnerships. Polonda, which wants to produce its first electric car through Izera, which will be implemented through a state-supported initiative established by four Polish energy companies in 2016, took a very important step in its work for mass production after the prototypes. According to the latest details shared by the company, Chinese Geely will accompany the new formation on this journey.


Poland to expand Geely partnership for Izera, its first electric car

For Izera, which has come to the fore on its plans to partner with Geely on a technology focus in the first stage, this partnership will be carried into the future in a much more comprehensive way. In parallel, if there is no change, the models of the Polish brand will be built on the “SEA” platform, which is also used in other important brands of the Geely Group, such as Volvo and Lotus. Factory preparations for vehicles in the country continue at full speed. An investment plan of 1.1 billion euros was also shared for the facility preparations, which will gain momentum in 2024. If the plans of the Izera management are realized, the first models will be unloaded in 2025. In 2020, when the announcement was made, it will be the first model SUV that the brand will bring into production, showing a compact SUV called Z100 and an HB prototype named T100.


Izera, which will be lowered onto the asphalt via the ElectroMobility Poland brand, takes its name from the mountains in southwestern Poland. The designs of the vehicles are also based in Italy, as in TOGG. Regarding the models developed by the Torino Design team, a 400-kilometer range target was shared at once in 2020. Time will tell how Geely’s infrastructure architecture will affect these dynamics.

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