The question of which is the strongest and best Pokémon of all is not so easy to answer these days. A YouTuber has now set out to find the answer for you and has spared no effort.
Some of you may remember the early days of Pokémon, a time when there weren’t even more than 1,000 of the little monsters. Back then, the question of who was the best Pokémon was pretty easy to answer. Everyone would probably have named Magikarp as the weakest and Mew or Mewtwo as the strongest Pokémon.
Today, however, it is no longer as clear as it was back then. YouTuber Astriod Videos (also known as Frank Redisi) has now taken a fairly scientific look at the question of the best Pokémon and actually has an answer for you.
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How did he proceed? For his research, the viral Pokémon professor simulated an impressive 1,810,053 battles in which he pitted all Pokémon – including mega evolutions and alternate forms – against each other. Each duo had to fight three 1v1 battles.
For battles, Redisi made sure that each Pokémon went into battle with its best prerequisites and Z-Moves, Dynamaxing and Terastalizing were banned.
And while that’s pretty impressive, even this experiment isn’t perfect. A few Pokémon have been left out. Flabébé, for example, wasn’t included. The YouTuber simply gave the reason for this as his hand hurting after manually adding so much. But if you look at the results, this is forgiven, because fans can be relatively sure that a Flabébé wouldn’t have changed much about the worst and best Pokémon.
In fact, Redisi’s experiment created a massive list of 1,098 Pokémon ranked by their win-loss ratio after his 30-hour simulation. You can find his video on YouTube.
Mewtwo no longer makes it to first place
Which is the best Pokémon? Before we tell you the current best Pokémon, we have to admit that Mewtwo will no longer be able to get this spot. In this ranking, its normal form “only” makes it to 93rd place. Its Mega Evolution X, however, made it to 41st place.
However, if you thought that Arceus itself was the best Pokémon, you’re also wrong. It came in 10th place. The Pokémon Endynalos actually came in first place.
If you haven’t played Pokémon Sword and Shield before, you might not know what it is. In that game, Eeveelutions was a boss enemy pretty far into the endgame. You can’t even catch this Pokémon in the game. You can only get hold of its normal form, but that only made it to 25th place in the rankings.
By the way, after this ranking, you shouldn’t name Magikarp as the worst Pokémon. It is only in fourth-to-last place and has even won 92 battles. Cosmog, Cosmoem and Caterpie fared worse. The favorite Pokémon of a former Pokémon world champion is also not one of the best: Ex-world champion loves a Pokémon, but suffers: “It’s so bad”