Pokémon Pocket: classified matches and a new booster arrive, with very special cards

Pokemon Pocket classified matches and a new booster arrive with

And it left for a tour. Pokémon Pocket has just announced the upcoming release of a new booster. The cards it will contain will be very special.

After the “triumphant light” and “spatio-temporal shock” extensions, Pokémon Pocket starts again with a brand new booster. Entitled “radiant rejoicing”, it promises to offer spectacular cards. In fact, it will only contain chromatic creatures (or shiny).

The short video presentation, which reveals some cards from the next booster “radiant rejoicing”, did not go unnoticed. Pachirisu, Taupicier, Lucario, Dracaufeu … Many chromatic Pokémon will be there, to the delight of the players. Note that this is not a new extension, but a simple booster with which around sixty cards will be associated (as was the case for “the fabulous island” or “triumphant light”).

Pokémon Pocket plans to deploy classified matches at the same time: a long -standing expectation for combat focusing players. The first season, which will revolve around “radiant rejoicing”, will be held from March 28 to April 27. As in many other video game titles, players will confront themselves according to their levels and will receive a badge according to their position in the ranking.

The next Pokémon Pocket update will be available on March 28, from 7:00 a.m. The game is available on Android and iOS.
