The beetle crawling in Pokémon Go has a temporary research for you. But you have to catch a lot. Is the reward worth it?
On March 26, 2025, the event “Beetle crawling” started in Pokémon Go. What is in there is easy to guess: endless beetles.
As part of the event, temporary research also ended up in the game. Overall, you have time to solve them by Sunday evening.
It consists of a total of 6 steps that require different quantities of prisoners of beetle Pokémon. In the end you should collect a total of 150 beetles. This is a lot! Is the effort worth it? We show you what the rewards of research are.
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Beetle crawling: temporary research is rewarded with ninjatom and more
These are the rewards: In the following table you will find all tasks with the corresponding Pokémon, which you will receive.
Are the rewards worth it? First of all, one should make it clear that the main focus of the current event is on the catches of Käferpokémon anyway. They run around everywhere and there are bonuses for particularly good throws. That means: you will be able to do the goal more or less anyway.
The question is how much you play. Because if you only play a few minutes a day, it will be tight with the 150 Pokémon by Sunday evening.
Therefore: Is the effort to catch the 150 Pokémon? In view of the Pokémon offered, one can say: quite.
Because there are some cool Pokémon, especially in the more difficult destinations.
In addition, Illumise and Volbeat are regional Pokémon, from which you can grab the specimen that you may still be missing. So that’s not bad!
What else is going on in Pokémon Go? Beetle crawling is the last major event in the current month, then March is coming to an end. But the first dates for the coming month have already been determined. Among other things, there is again a community day, ramp lighting hours and topics are also pending. You want to know what’s going on when? Then stop by here: All events in April 2025 at Pokémon Go.