Pokémon GO tried something new with Dark Flames, but there are problems

The Dark Flames event has been running in Pokémon GO for the past few days. But that causes criticism from some coaches.

What was that event? The Dark Flames event was all about the Fire and Dark Pokémon types.

In line with this, Pokémon GO brought a previously quite unusual component into play: via a collector’s challenge, you could choose a path yourself, which then determined which type of monster spawned more from the smoke.

The tasks of temporary research were also influenced. So the trainers were given the opportunity to design the event themselves to a certain extent.

At the same time, Pokémon GO set a very short period for the event. It only ran from June 29th to July 2nd and with Turtonator it also brought a new Pokémon to raid for.

For some coaches it now turned out: This period was perhaps a little tight.

Trainers are still missing certain monsters before the event ends

What players say: The event is now over, but some trainers criticize that they didn’t have enough opportunities to play through all the content. Research in particular was not easy for some to solve because they simply lacked the right monsters.

Several posts in the reddit community for Pokémon GO (via reddit) reported problems with finding the required dark and fire-type crypto Pokémon (via reddit). You needed them to complete the research in order to redeem them.

But some players just couldn’t find the right louts who had fire or dark monsters with them in such a short time. If you didn’t have a corresponding monster in storage, the conclusion became difficult.

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Other trainers, on the other hand, report that they have monsters of the right type, but actually don’t want to redeem them – because some Crypto Pokémon are very strong attackers.

  • I can hardly find bullies, let alone the types I need, says one user (via reddit).
  • I just searched Fire&Crypto and had quite a few to choose from. But I hate earnings because of the stardust cost, and cryptos are useful, points out another (via reddit).
  • I couldn’t finish it just because of this (via reddit)
  • That’s why you always stockpile a little of everything, comments another (via reddit).
  • In addition, the brevity of the event was criticized in terms of raids (via reddit). Because if you wanted to use the raids but not invest any money, you either needed the coins for a few days for raid and long-distance raid passes, or at least the opportunity to use the free day pass.

    How did you perceive the event? Did it suit you in terms of content and duration, or would you have liked it differently? Tell us in the comments!

    By the way: A new raid feature in Pokémon GO seems to be starting now.
