Pokémon GO suddenly removes popular route

In Pokémon GO, a trainer suddenly loses a route that was apparently very popular. Coaches puzzle: What’s going on?

What are routes? The route feature has been available in Pokémon GO for a few months. Here trainers can create specific routes, like walking paths, that you can walk.

They are supposed to bring you spawns and, for example, the coveted Zygarde cells. But creating it is not that easy: there is an approval process. If you want to create a route, it will first be reviewed by Niantic before it is activated.

But just because a route has been released doesn’t mean that it will definitely remain in play. This is shown by a trainer whose popular route has now apparently been rejected, even though many used it.

Route with over 90,000 trips suddenly disappeared

What is the problem? In the Pokémon GO subreddit TheSilphRoad, user Artistic_Barracuda reported with a screenshot from Sydney. His route “Muesum of Contemporary Art to Sydney Opera House” connected two popular locations in the city and has apparently already recorded 91,776 trips (via Reddit).

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But now the route has apparently been removed. The coach can’t explain why, and there apparently hasn’t been an official reason yet.

But fellow players in the subreddit report similar problems, which apparently came about because players incorrectly reported routes.

User Faladyne reports (via reddit) that individual trainers apparently use the report function to remove routes. His guess: Someone probably reported the route because they didn’t get a Zygarde cell and were annoyed about it.

He knows one such example from his community: Where I am, someone is always making sure that routes are deleted.

This even led to him and other players who like to create routes becoming hesitant in this regard. And other players also chime in:

  • I had a player here who reported 3 routes from me and resubmitted them himself, claiming that they were ‘private locations’. This route was the first in the area and very popular, according to user JULTAR (via reddit).
  • If it’s just one person in the community, I don’t understand how one bad review is enough to overturn all other successful community trips, one user notes (via reddit): I wish this was better regulated at Niantic .
  • Someone probably reported your route. Maybe someone mad at you for conquering an arena or something stupid like that (via reddit)
  • It is currently unclear whether trolls who want to spoil other players’ gaming experience are actually the reason here. We will keep you updated here if official information becomes known.

    Overall, the route review system has recently caused question marks in the community, as some strange decisions have been made regarding routes.

    How does that work for you? Have you already noticed such problems with routes? Tell us in the comments!
