Pokemon GO starts tomorrow’s raid event with new Hoenn Megas

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Mega Raid Day Hoenn begins in Pokémon GO on December 3rd. Here we show you everything about the start, bonuses and other content of the event in an overview.

What is this event? This raid day revolves around the starter Pokémon from the Hoenn region. The release of Mega Gewaldro, Mega Blazeblaze, and Mega Sumpex is the highlight of the event. There are also special attacks, increased shiny chances and more raid passes as bonuses.

Here is an overview of everything you need to know about the raid day.

Mega Raid Day: Off to Hoenn

When does it start? The event starts on Saturday, December 3rd at 2:00 p.m. It is then active until 5 p.m.

What new Pokemon are there? You will meet Mega Gewaldo, Mega Blahjack, and Mega Sumpex for the first time.

During the Raid Tag event, you will mainly encounter these three Pokémon in raids. So that you can easily win the fights, we have created the counter-guides for you:

What bonuses are active? During the event you can use the following bonuses:

  • If you catch Gewaldro, it will master the Charged Attack Flora Statue
  • If you catch Sumpex, it will master the Aqua Howitzer Charged Attack
  • If you catch Blaze Gock, it masters the Charged Attack Blaze Cannonade
  • The chances of Shiny Squirrel, Sumpex, and Blazecock are increased
  • If you spin arena photo discs during the event, you will receive up to 5 additional raid passes for free
  • Optional ticket: If you want, you can buy an event ticket for the price of 5 dollars. In return you will receive the following bonuses on December 3rd from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.:

  • Six additional Raid Passes for spinning Photo Discs at Arenas (so 12 in total that day)
  • 50% more XP for Raid Battles
  • Increased chances of XL special candies
  • Double Stardust for Raid Battles
  • There are still many appointments for you in the next few weeks. All events in December 2022 at Pokémon GO with their bonuses.
